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Tomato and egg sauced

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Tomato and egg sauced

Tomato and egg sauced


Ingredients:Two ripe tomato, two eggs, noodles, water, starch, onion


1 Wash the tomatoes on top and gently draw a cross with a knife blade.

2, to draw good mouth tomatoes into boiling water blanched.

3, until the tomato skin dehiscence.

4, the tomato bag clean and cut into pieces.

5 eggs into the bowl.

6, beat eggs, put a little sprinkle of salt.

7, pan put a little oil, oil heat, sprinkle drops eggs into play.

8, push lightly into the egg with chopsticks scattered blocks.

9, pan put oil, oil heat add chopped green onion. (This is a statement about, each with various drops practices, someone can not eat onion and hold)

10 drops into chopped tomatoes.

11, the fire and stir-fry for a while, see the "oil" so that it can taste and then add salt, a little sugar. (Or do not love sugar of diabetes do not put)

12, continued piecemeal fire slowly gurgle, until tomatoes soften the soup.

13, pour just sharing a good egg.

14, for a little gurgle, add water, starch, stir evenly (do not thicken fire sauce is also very good), pan can be.

15, when fried tomatoes, let's do the pot of water, the water boiled noodles.

16, ripe tomatoes, face the same subject.

17, remove the noodles too cold. (Of course, you can pick a favorite, but hot water)

18, and pour brine can just fried tomatoes

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