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Passion, compose brilliant

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Passion, compose brilliant

Release date:2017-02-07 Author: Click:

The same piece of iron that can melt defeating saws can also be tempered into a steel; Similarly a team can mediocrity, you can achieve great accomplishments. In order to improve teamwork in April 2014 at 19,20 Japanese company employees Erlongshan Scenic Area, Jimo Spa Resort conduct spring training to expand.

Expand training begins at 10:00 on April 19 2014 with a time of two days. We conducted a team to create, Erlongshan directed through the build team execution - Build Santa, together, create brilliant - sand sculpture team, sales training, and grasp the opportunity to challenge themselves - air grab bars, fast 60 seconds and other projects. Under the guidance of professionals, we forget age, forget the post, threw himself into training activities, experience the vitality of the team, the players feel the friendship, improving communicative relationship, harmonious team spirit. Although each project has a strong degree of difficulty and challenge, but everyone in the team under their joint efforts, we have achieved good results. Through this series of rich challenge to break the rigid mental models, develop a new way of thinking and personal self-confidence, improve courage to overcome difficulties, personality traits, psychological and teamwork, collective wisdom and personal perseverance through good cooperation, All completed a remarkable expansion of the training project tasks.

The event not only in the physical challenge of each member, leaving everyone in their thoughts and get mentally and sublimation temper, everyone learned to care for others, to strengthen the sense of trust, enhanced their sense of collaboration, improve the team's cohesion and combat effectiveness.

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